30-day challenge – day 30

30-day challenge – day 30

spread foot active clocks – stand with your feet as wide as possible while keeping your toes pointed forward & without slipping. squeeze your glutes & tighten your thighs & do your active clocks holding this position with your legs.

traveling bear crawl – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. lift your knees approx. 3″ off the floor keeping your butt low & your back parallel with the floor. take a few steps forward driving your knees toward your chest, not rotating your hips back & forth, bringing your knees outside your elbows. then take a few steps backwards. repeat.

tricep bridge hold w/ alternating ruep kicks – start sitting on the floor with your feet flat on the floor out in front of you, hip width apart, & knees at 90 degrees. place your hands behind you directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips up into the air as high as possible without it going into your low back & hold. drive one knee toward your chest, then straighten your leg all the way out touching your heel to the floor. do the same with your other leg. repeat.

alternating narrow / wide push-ups – in push-up position (either from your feet, knees, or dog push-ups), start with your hands right next to your body so your elbows touch your rib cage as you do your push-up. do one push-up, then move (or hop) your hands out wider & do another push-up. repeat.

prone 3-position clock holds – on your stomach with your arms straight above your head (at the “noon” position) & your legs straight out behind you. let your toes touch & relax your heels out to the side. rotate your arms so your thumbs point to the ceiling. lift your arms as high as possible & hold. move your hands out to 10 & 2 & repeat. finally, move your hands out to 9 & 3 & repeat.

v-up crunch – on your back with your legs out straight & your arms straight above your head. keeping your legs & arms straight crunch up & touch your fingers to your toes. if that strains your back, crunch up bringing both knees to your chest, arms straight in front of you. straighten out your body & repeat.

alternating lateral plank hold on hands – on your side with your body in a straight line, place your hand directly underneath your shoulder. squeeze your glutes, engage your abs, straighten your arm, lifting your hips off the floor. raise your other hand toward the ceiling, look toward it, & hold for 5 seconds. rotate to the other side, keeping your hips up & your body a plank.

air bench wall glides & pulls – in an air bench (aka wall sit, aka air chair) with your knees & feet hip width apart, hips & knees 90 degrees, feet directly beneath your knees. keep your weight in your heels & press your entire back into the wall. place your arms in the “stick-’em-up” position with your elbows & backs of your hands against the wall (if you can’t get your hands to the wall, keep pressing them in that direction). raise your hands above your head as high as possible keeping both your elbows & hands in contact with the wall, then pull your elbows down to your sides as low as possible keeping both your elbows & your hands in contact with the wall. repeat.

pendulum lunges w/ reverse pullover hold – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your back, straighten your arms, pulling your hands toward the floor, lift your hands off your butt, & hold. keeping your leg straight, lift it in front of you, then step back behind you & lunge, keeping your weight in that leg, upper body straight & tall, & not letting your front knee go in front of your ankle. do all reps on this leg, then repeat on other leg.

invisible jump rope – if you have a jump rope, jump rope. if not, mime turning a rope around your body while you hop over it.

low air bench rocking chairs – in an air bench (aka wall sit, aka air chair) with your feet & knees hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & knees directly above your ankles, drop your hips & knees below 90 degrees. rock up on the heel of one foot & the toes of the other foot & alternate toe -> heel -> toe -> heel keeping each foot in the opposite position to the other foot.

single leg active shoulder bridges – on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, & toes pointed forward. straighten one leg out on the floor, tighten your thigh, pull your toes toward your shin & lift your leg so your knees are even. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your low back, then lower them back to the floor. repeat on other leg.

spread foot toe touches – on your back, lift your legs into the air as high as possible while keeping them straight – keep your thighs tight & your toes pulled toward your shins – & split them as far as possible. lift your shoulder blades off the floor & attempt to touch your toes. back of your head touches the floor between each rep.

lateral abc’s – on your side with your body in a straight line from head to feet. tighten your thighs & pull your toes to your shins. keeping your legs straight, spell the alphabet – all capital letters – with your top leg. repeat on other leg.

straight leg active splits – on your back, lift your legs into the air as high as possible while keeping them straight – keep your thighs tight & your toes pulled toward your shins. split your legs as wide as possible, then bring them back together. repeat.

wide shoulder bridge hold w/ active frogs – on your back with your feet flat on the floor as wide as possible while keeping your toes pointed forward. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as far as possible without it going into your low back. keep your hips high & bring your knees together then apart.

feet elevated frog crunches – on your back, soles of your feet together & knees out to the side, interlace your fingers behind your head, creating a bed for your head with your hands & elbows out, touching the floor. lift your feet off the floor, look behind you, & lift your shoulder blades off the floor. back of your head & elbows touch the floor between each rep. keep your feet in the air.

alternating lateral lunges – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. step one foot out to your side keeping your toes pointed forward & feet flat on the floor. lunge into that leg, keeping your chest up & forward – do not let it bend towards the floor. bring that leg back to hip width & do the same with the other leg. each lunge = 1 rep.

backwards traveling inchworms – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your hands flat on the floor, fingers pointed forward. keep your legs straight while you walk your feet away from your hands as far as possible, then walk your hands to your feet as close as possible while keeping your legs straight. repeat.

stationary monkey hops – start in the plank position with hands flat on the floor, fingers facing forward. hop your feet to the outside of your hands then back out to plank position. repeat without stopping.

30-day challenge – day 29

30-day challenge – day 29

overhead extension rotational stork walk (in place) – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers, rotate your palms away from you, straighten your arms, & lift them above your head as far as you can keeping your arms straight. rotate your right knee out, lift it at least hip height, rotate it forward, & bring your foot back flat to the floor directly beneath your hip. do the same with the left leg. repeat – both legs = 2x reps.

tricep bridge hold – sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip width apart, toes pointed forward & knees 90 degrees. place your hands behind your back, directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips as high as possible without it going into your back & hold.

lateral leg lifts + hold – lay on your side in a straight line from head to toe, completely stacked vertically. tighten your thighs & pull your toes toward your shins. rotate your top knee toward the floor & lift & lower your leg as high as possible keeping your leg straight & your knee pointed toward the floor (do not use momentum). after completing all the reps, lift your leg & hold. repeat on other leg.

plank position alternating hand leg opposites – start in a plank position, feet hip width apart, hands shoulder width apart, & body in a straight line from head to toe (no butt up in the air). lift & lower your right arm straight out in front of you while lifting & lowering your left leg straight out behind you. then do the same with your left arm & right leg. do not use momentum. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

alternating single leg active splits – lay on your back, straighten both legs into the air, tighten your thighs, pull your toes to your shins. keep one leg still while you open the other leg & move it back; then keep it still while you do the same with the other leg. repeat. both legs = 2x reps. if this bothers your do alternating single leg static back splits – on your back, bring your hips & knees to a 90 degrees. keep one leg still while you split open the other leg & bring it back; then keep it still while you do the same with the other leg.

hero lean hold w/ figure 8 arm circles – on your knees with your body a plank from your knees to your shoulders, lean back as far as possible & hold. straighten your arms out to your sides & lift them to shoulder level. draw figure 8’s with both arms (aka the infinity symbol). repeat going the opposite direction.

rotational mountain climbers – start in the plank position with your feet hip width apart & hands shoulder width apart. keep your butt low & drive your left knee to your right elbow, then bring your foot back out straight & directly behind your hip. drive your right knee to your left elbow, then bring your foot back out straight & directly behind your hip. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

alternating active shoulder bridge & full sit up – lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your back & bring your back & butt back to the floor. do a full sit up. repeat. both moves = 2x reps.

traveling lateral lunge hold – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. take a good step forward with one of your legs, stay standing tall while you bend your back knee towards the floor as low as possible & hold (do not let your front knee move in front of your ankle). take 10 steps to your left, then 10 steps to your right holding this position. switch your legs & repeat.

dynamic range of motion skip (in place) – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. drive your left knee as high as possible & swing your right arm above your head keeping it straight, while hopping into the air as high as possible. then drive your right knee as high as possible & swing your left arm above your head keeping it straight, while hopping into the air as high as possible. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

30-day challenge – day 28

30-day challenge – day 28

you have pictures for the warm-up & cool-down for your run, so i did not make a video for them. for your warm-up, do as many reps as you can while maintaining correct form up to the # indicated. for your cool-down, you can halve the reps. only go through the ten exercises once.

spine outdoor:
standing elbow curls – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your knuckles on your temples, keep your wrists straight & your hands relaxed. start with your elbows out, bring your elbows together, then apart, squeezing your shoulder blades together. repeat.

spreadfoot reverse pullovers – stand with your feet as wide as possible while keeping your toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your back, palms facing the ceiling. squeeze your glutes, tighten your thighs, & keep your chest up & forward (look in forward). if you can straighten your arms, lift & lower them off your butt. if you can’t straighten your arms, pull your hands toward the floor & hold for the count of reps.

overhead extension lunges – stand in a staggered stance, feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers, palms facing away from you, straighten your arms & lift your hands as far above your head as you can without bending your elbows. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

kneeling groin – kneel with your knees hip width apart. take one foot & place it in front of you so your hip & knee are 90 degrees & your knee directly in front of your hip. your other knee should be directly beneath your hip & your toes on that foot relaxed – “laces down”. squeeze the glute of the side with the knee on the floor as hard as you can & hold. repeat other side.

knee to chest – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. pull one knee to your chest, keeping your other leg straight, & keeping your foot relaxed. alternate legs.

downward dog squats – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. curl your toes under & go up into a downward dog: straighten your legs, tighten your thighs, drive your heels toward the floor, & drive your chest toward your thighs. hold for half a second, bring your knees back to the floor: heels to floor, knees to floor, repeat.

hand leg opposite hold – on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. straighten your right arm as high as you can in front of you – don’t flex your wrists – & your left leg out behind you (imagine kicking the wall behind you – not the ceiling – with your heel), & hold. repeat other side.

cats & dogs – on your hands & knees, hand directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. keep your arms straight while you arch your back & look up to the ceiling; then curve your back, tuck your chin to your chest & squeeze your glutes. repeat.

inchworms – stand with your feet hip width apart & bring your hands to the floor. walk your hands as far from your feet as possible (do not drop your hips to the floor), then walk your feet as close to your hands as possible while keeping your legs straight. repeat.

full squats – stand with your feet hip width apart & toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & pull your elbows back. look up, keep your weight in your heels, & drop your butt to the floor as low as possible keeping your heels on the floor & without dropping your chest toward the floor.

knee indoor
air bench pullovers – sit against the wall, knees & hips at 90 degrees, feet & knees hip width apart, toes pointed forward. press your low back into the wall & keep your weight in your heels. interlace your fingers, palms facing you, straighten your arms & lift your hands above your head as far you can keeping your arms straight then bring them back to your hips. repeat.

active twist – on your back, feet flat on the floor wider than your hips. drop both knees to your right side & squeeze your left glute. switch sides. repeat – both sides = 1 rep.

active tricep bridge – sit on the floor with your feet in front of you, hip width apart, knees 90 degrees, & toes pointed forward. place your hands behind you directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift up your hips as high as you can without it going into your low back, bring your butt back to the floor, repeat.

hip lift – on your back, feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your right ankle over your left knee. drive your left knee toward your chest keeping your butt on the ground. without using your hands, push your right knee away from your & hold. repeat other side.

wishbone kicks – on your back, feet flat on the floor wider than your hips, toes pointed forward. pinch your knees together & hold. straighten one leg at that angle, tighten your thigh, & pull your toe towards your shin. bring your foot back down wider than your hip. alternate between each leg. feet in the air: with your feet in the air, hips at 90 degrees, keep your knees pinched & your feet out wide while your straighten one leg out at the angle, then the other. if you start feeling this in your back, bring your feet back to the floor. if you can’t keep your knees pinched & feet wide, bring your feet back to the floor.

active cobra – on your stomach, knees wider than your hips, bring your feet together. bring your feet as close to your hips as possible & rotate your toes so your feet are parallel with the floor. keep your hips flush with the floor. rest your forehead on the back of your hands. squeeze your feet together & relax; squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax.

sitting active diva – sit with one foot in front of you against the opposite knee & your other foot pointed back & out to your side away from your butt. place your hands on the ankle in front of you & sit up tall. lift & lower the knee of the foot facing behind you without moving your spine. repeat other side.

downward dog squats – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. curl your toes under & go up into a downward dog: straighten your legs, tighten your thighs, drive your heels toward the floor, & drive your chest toward your thighs. hold for half a second, bring your knees back to the floor: heels to floor, knees to floor, repeat.

spreadfoot glides – with your feet as wide as possible, keep your toes pointed forward, & keep your weight on the inside of your feet. place your hands on the floor immediately in front of your feet (if you can’t keep your back straight & your hands on the floor, place them on a chair, table, etc.), bend both knees & keep your butt as low as possible while you straighten one leg & bend the other & switch sides. keep your butt low on the same plane – imagine there’s a plank above your hips with nails pointed downward; if you lift your hips, you impale yourself. both sides = 1 rep.

static lunges – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & one leg a good step in front of the other. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

30-day challenge – day 27

30-day challenge – day 27

soldier walk w/ hand leg opposites (in place) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. lift your right leg, keeping it straight, only lifting as high as you can keeping your leg straight, while raising your left hand above your head keeping your arm straight. lower both arm & leg & lift your left leg with your right arm, keeping both straight. repeat.

rotational crunches – start on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & pull your elbows back to the floor & keep them back. as you crunch, lift your right foot a few inches off the floor & bring your left elbow to your right knee. bring everything back to the floor, then crunch lifting your left foot a few inches off the floor & bring your right elbow to your left knee. bring everything back to the floor. repeat.

shoulder bridge hold w/ leg lifts – start on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips off the floor as high as you can without it going into your low back. straighten one leg out so your heel touches the floor – keep your hips up – tighten your thigh, & pull your toes to your shin. lift & lower your leg as high as you can keeping it straight. repeat on other leg.

bear crawl position ski jumps – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. lift your knees approx. 3″ off the floor. keep your knees & feet hip width apart & back parallel to the floor. hop both feet left & right.

tricep bridge hold w/ rocking chairs – start sitting on the floor with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & knees at 90 degrees. place your hands behind you, shoulder width apart, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips off the floor as high as possible without it going into your low back, & hold. go up the toes of one foot & heel of the other foot; then switch foot position. repeat.

wide squats + squat hold – stand with your feet flat on the floor as wide as possible keeping your toes pointed forward & without slipping. squat pushing your knees forward & your butt backwards, keeping your chest pointed forward; stand all the way back up, squeezing your glutes at the top. after your last rep, squat down in the same manner & hold.

roller coastersfrom your feet: start in the downward dog position with your hands a little wider than usual. dive your head down to the floor, followed by your chest, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1 & repeat. from your knees: start in child’s pose with your hands wider than usual. dive your chest to the floor, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1. repeat.

split leg squat hops – start out doing a static lunge (see instructions below). as you stand up from lunging, jump into the air, switching your foot position & lunge as you land. the hop, switch your foot position, & lunge as you land again. repeat. if you are unable to hop, do static lunges: stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & one leg a good step in front of the other. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

forward traveling inchworms – stand with your feet hip width apart & bring your hands to the floor. walk your hands as far from your feet as possible (do not drop your hips to the floor), then walk your feet as close to your hands as possible while keeping your legs straight. repeat.

square bunny hops – stand with your feet flat on the floor with your hip width apart, toes pointed forward. hop both feet forward, then right, then backward, then left. repeat. then hop both feet forward, then left, then backward, then right. repeat.

30-day challenge – day 26

30-day challenge – day 26

narrow roller coastersfrom feet: start in the downward dog position. keep your hands shoulder width apart. dive your head, then your chest, then your hips to the floor – your elbows should graze your rib cage – arch your back, straighten your arms, & look up to the ceiling. go back to downward dog position. repeat. from knees: start in the child’s pose position. your arms should be straight out in front of you, shoulder width apart. relax your feet (laces down) & keep them on the floor as you dive your head, then your chest, then your hips to the floor – your elbows should graze your rib cage – arch your back, straighten your arms, & look up to the ceiling. go back to the child’s pose position. repeat.

wide air bench reverse press hold w/ active clocks – in an air bench with your feet & knees wider than your hips & your hips & knees at 90 degrees, press your entire back into the wall keeping your weight in your heels. place on arm in the reverse press position (elbow at 90, shoulder height, pressing in the wall with your hand pointing in the same direction as your chest) & do active clocks with the other arm. do all reps in one clock position before switching to the next clock position. switch arm positions & repeat.

push-ups + push-up holdfrom your feet: place your feet hip width apart & your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. keep your body a plank from your head to your feet & drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. after you complete your reps drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold. if you can’t keep your body a plank or drop low enough so your elbows are at 90 degrees or less, drop to your knees. from your knees: place your knees hip width apart & your hands a little wider than should width apart. keep your body a plank from your head to your knees & drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. after you complete your reps, drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold. if you can’t keep your body a plank or drop low enough so your elbows are at 90 degrees or less, do dog push-ups. dog push-ups: place your knees directly below your hips & your hands directly beneath your shoulders. sway your low back a little. keep your knees & hips at 90 degrees while you drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. your feet will come off the ground as your drop your chest to floor & go back to the ground as you push yourself back up. after you complete your reps, drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold.

rear foot elevated lunges w/ reverse pullover hold – place your back foot on a chair, bench, table, etc., laces down & take a big step forward. interlace your fingers behind your back, keep your wrists at 90 degrees, & straighten your arms. if you can’t straighten your arms all the way, pull them towards the floor & hold; if you can straighten your arms all the way, lift your hands off your butt & hold (pulling your shoulder blades back & down at the same time). drop your back knee straight down toward the floor keeping your upper body tall & straight. don’t rock forward, bend forward, or let your front knee go in front of your ankle. switch legs & repeat.

donkey kicks – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart in front of your feet. with both feet at the same time, kick up into a hand stand. if you can’t kick both feet at the same time into a handstand, do downward dog push-ups: start on your hands & knees, knees directly beneath your hips & hands directly beneath your shoulders. curl your toes under, straighten your legs, & go up into a downward dog. drop the top of your head toward the floor between your hands, then push yourself back up. if this is still too challenging, place your hands on an elevated surface & bring the top of your head to the surface between your hands.

v ups – on your back with your legs out straight & your arms straight above your head. keeping your legs & arms straight crunch up & touch your fingers to your toes. if that strains your back, crunch up bringing both knees to your chest, arms straight in front of you. straighten out your body & repeat.

tricep bridge hold w/ single leg frog kicks – sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, knees at 90 degrees. place your hands behind you, shoulder width apart, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your back & hold. do frog kicks with one leg: bring your knee toward your chest, then rotate your knee outward as you straighten out your leg. do all reps in this direction, then all reps in the other direction (rotate your knee outward as you bring your knee to your chest, then directly straighten out your leg). repeat on other leg.

inchworm hold – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart, in front of your feet where you can still keep your legs straight. keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far away from your feet as possible & hold.

skate hops (in place) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. hop as far as you can to your right, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your left foot to your right foot without touching it to the floor. then, hop as far as you can to your left, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your right foot your left foot without touching it to the floor. repeat. if hopping is too strenuous, skate walk in place. skate walk – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. step as far as you can to your right, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your left foot to your right foot without touching it to the floor. then, step as far as you can to your left, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your right foot your left foot without touching it to the floor. repeat.

running in place (hands behind head) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & squeeze your shoulder blades together. hold this position, with your head straight & looking forward, & run in place.

30-day challenge – day 25

30-day challenge – day 25

overhead extension rotational stork walk (in place) – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers, rotate your palms away from you, straighten your arms, & lift them above your head as far as you can keeping your arms straight. rotate your right knee out, lift it at least hip height, rotate it forward, & bring your foot back flat to the floor directly beneath your hip. do the same with the left leg. repeat – both legs = 2x reps.

tricep bridge hold – sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip width apart, toes pointed forward & knees 90 degrees. place your hands behind your back, directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips as high as possible without it going into your back & hold.

lateral leg lifts + hold – lay on your side in a straight line from head to toe, completely stacked vertically. tighten your thighs & pull your toes toward your shins. rotate your top knee toward the floor & lift & lower your leg as high as possible keeping your leg straight & your knee pointed toward the floor (do not use momentum). after completing all the reps, lift your leg & hold. repeat on other leg.

plank position alternating hand leg opposites – start in a plank position, feet hip width apart, hands shoulder width apart, & body in a straight line from head to toe (no butt up in the air). lift & lower your right arm straight out in front of you while lifting & lowering your left leg straight out behind you. then do the same with your left arm & right leg. do not use momentum. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

alternating single leg active splits – lay on your back, straighten both legs into the air, tighten your thighs, pull your toes to your shins. keep one leg still while you open the other leg & move it back; then keep it still while you do the same with the other leg. repeat. both legs = 2x reps. if this bothers your do alternating single leg static back splits – on your back, bring your hips & knees to a 90 degrees. keep one leg still while you split open the other leg & bring it back; then keep it still while you do the same with the other leg.

hero lean hold w/ figure 8 arm circles – on your knees with your body a plank from your knees to your shoulders, lean back as far as possible & hold. straighten your arms out to your sides & lift them to shoulder level. draw figure 8’s with both arms (aka the infinity symbol). repeat going the opposite direction.

rotational mountain climbers – start in the plank position with your feet hip width apart & hands shoulder width apart. keep your butt low & drive your left knee to your right elbow, then bring your foot back out straight & directly behind your hip. drive your right knee to your left elbow, then bring your foot back out straight & directly behind your hip. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

alternating active shoulder bridge & full sit up – lay on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your back & bring your back & butt back to the floor. do a full sit up. repeat. both moves = 2x reps.

traveling lateral lunge hold – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. take a good step forward with one of your legs, stay standing tall while you bend your back knee towards the floor as low as possible & hold (do not let your front knee move in front of your ankle). take 10 steps to your left, then 10 steps to your right holding this position. switch your legs & repeat.

dynamic range of motion skip (in place) – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. drive your left knee as high as possible & swing your right arm above your head keeping it straight, while hopping into the air as high as possible. then drive your right knee as high as possible & swing your left arm above your head keeping it straight, while hopping into the air as high as possible. repeat. both sides = 2x reps.

30-day challenge – day 24

30-day challenge – day 24

you have pictures for the warm-up & cool-down for your run, so i did not make a video for them. for your warm-up, do as many reps as you can while maintaining correct form up to the # indicated. for your cool-down, you can halve the reps. only go through the ten exercises once.

spine outdoor:
standing elbow curls – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your knuckles on your temples, keep your wrists straight & your hands relaxed. start with your elbows out, bring your elbows together, then apart, squeezing your shoulder blades together. repeat.

spreadfoot reverse pullovers – stand with your feet as wide as possible while keeping your toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your back, palms facing the ceiling. squeeze your glutes, tighten your thighs, & keep your chest up & forward (look in forward). if you can straighten your arms, lift & lower them off your butt. if you can’t straighten your arms, pull your hands toward the floor & hold for the count of reps.

overhead extension lunges – stand in a staggered stance, feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers, palms facing away from you, straighten your arms & lift your hands as far above your head as you can without bending your elbows. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

kneeling groin – kneel with your knees hip width apart. take one foot & place it in front of you so your hip & knee are 90 degrees & your knee directly in front of your hip. your other knee should be directly beneath your hip & your toes on that foot relaxed – “laces down”. squeeze the glute of the side with the knee on the floor as hard as you can & hold. repeat other side.

knee to chest – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. pull one knee to your chest, keeping your other leg straight, & keeping your foot relaxed. alternate legs.

downward dog squats – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. curl your toes under & go up into a downward dog: straighten your legs, tighten your thighs, drive your heels toward the floor, & drive your chest toward your thighs. hold for half a second, bring your knees back to the floor: heels to floor, knees to floor, repeat.

hand leg opposite hold – on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. straighten your right arm as high as you can in front of you – don’t flex your wrists – & your left leg out behind you (imagine kicking the wall behind you – not the ceiling – with your heel), & hold. repeat other side.

cats & dogs – on your hands & knees, hand directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. keep your arms straight while you arch your back & look up to the ceiling; then curve your back, tuck your chin to your chest & squeeze your glutes. repeat.

inchworms – stand with your feet hip width apart & bring your hands to the floor. walk your hands as far from your feet as possible (do not drop your hips to the floor), then walk your feet as close to your hands as possible while keeping your legs straight. repeat.

full squats – stand with your feet hip width apart & toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & pull your elbows back. look up, keep your weight in your heels, & drop your butt to the floor as low as possible keeping your heels on the floor & without dropping your chest toward the floor.

knee indoor
air bench pullovers – sit against the wall, knees & hips at 90 degrees, feet & knees hip width apart, toes pointed forward. press your low back into the wall & keep your weight in your heels. interlace your fingers, palms facing you, straighten your arms & lift your hands above your head as far you can keeping your arms straight then bring them back to your hips. repeat.

active twist – on your back, feet flat on the floor wider than your hips. drop both knees to your right side & squeeze your left glute. switch sides. repeat – both sides = 1 rep.

active tricep bridge – sit on the floor with your feet in front of you, hip width apart, knees 90 degrees, & toes pointed forward. place your hands behind you directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift up your hips as high as you can without it going into your low back, bring your butt back to the floor, repeat.

hip lift – on your back, feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your right ankle over your left knee. drive your left knee toward your chest keeping your butt on the ground. without using your hands, push your right knee away from your & hold. repeat other side.

wishbone kicks – on your back, feet flat on the floor wider than your hips, toes pointed forward. pinch your knees together & hold. straighten one leg at that angle, tighten your thigh, & pull your toe towards your shin. bring your foot back down wider than your hip. alternate between each leg. feet in the air: with your feet in the air, hips at 90 degrees, keep your knees pinched & your feet out wide while your straighten one leg out at the angle, then the other. if you start feeling this in your back, bring your feet back to the floor. if you can’t keep your knees pinched & feet wide, bring your feet back to the floor.

active cobra – on your stomach, knees wider than your hips, bring your feet together. bring your feet as close to your hips as possible & rotate your toes so your feet are parallel with the floor. keep your hips flush with the floor. rest your forehead on the back of your hands. squeeze your feet together & relax; squeeze, relax, squeeze, relax.

sitting active diva – sit with one foot in front of you against the opposite knee & your other foot pointed back & out to your side away from your butt. place your hands on the ankle in front of you & sit up tall. lift & lower the knee of the foot facing behind you without moving your spine. repeat other side.

downward dog squats – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. curl your toes under & go up into a downward dog: straighten your legs, tighten your thighs, drive your heels toward the floor, & drive your chest toward your thighs. hold for half a second, bring your knees back to the floor: heels to floor, knees to floor, repeat.

spreadfoot glides – with your feet as wide as possible, keep your toes pointed forward, & keep your weight on the inside of your feet. place your hands on the floor immediately in front of your feet (if you can’t keep your back straight & your hands on the floor, place them on a chair, table, etc.), bend both knees & keep your butt as low as possible while you straighten one leg & bend the other & switch sides. keep your butt low on the same plane – imagine there’s a plank above your hips with nails pointed downward; if you lift your hips, you impale yourself. both sides = 1 rep.

static lunges – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & one leg a good step in front of the other. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

30-day challenge – day 23

30-day challenge – day 23

soldier walk w/ hand leg opposites (in place) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. lift your right leg, keeping it straight, only lifting as high as you can keeping your leg straight, while raising your left hand above your head keeping your arm straight. lower both arm & leg & lift your left leg with your right arm, keeping both straight. repeat.

rotational crunches – start on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & pull your elbows back to the floor & keep them back. as you crunch, lift your right foot a few inches off the floor & bring your left elbow to your right knee. bring everything back to the floor, then crunch lifting your left foot a few inches off the floor & bring your right elbow to your left knee. bring everything back to the floor. repeat.

shoulder bridge hold w/ leg lifts – start on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips off the floor as high as you can without it going into your low back. straighten one leg out so your heel touches the floor – keep your hips up – tighten your thigh, & pull your toes to your shin. lift & lower your leg as high as you can keeping it straight. repeat on other leg.

bear crawl position ski jumps – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders & knees directly beneath your hips. lift your knees approx. 3″ off the floor. keep your knees & feet hip width apart & back parallel to the floor. hop both feet left & right.

tricep bridge hold w/ rocking chairs – start sitting on the floor with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & knees at 90 degrees. place your hands behind you, shoulder width apart, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips off the floor as high as possible without it going into your low back, & hold. go up the toes of one foot & heel of the other foot; then switch foot position. repeat.

wide squats + squat hold – stand with your feet flat on the floor as wide as possible keeping your toes pointed forward & without slipping. squat pushing your knees forward & your butt backwards, keeping your chest pointed forward; stand all the way back up, squeezing your glutes at the top. after your last rep, squat down in the same manner & hold.

roller coastersfrom your feet: start in the downward dog position with your hands a little wider than usual. dive your head down to the floor, followed by your chest, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1 & repeat. from your knees: start in child’s pose with your hands wider than usual. dive your chest to the floor, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1. repeat.

split leg squat hops – start out doing a static lunge (see instructions below). as you stand up from lunging, jump into the air, switching your foot position & lunge as you land. the hop, switch your foot position, & lunge as you land again. repeat. if you are unable to hop, do static lunges: stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & one leg a good step in front of the other. stand tall, keep your weight in your back leg, & bend your back knee towards the floor. only drop your knee as close to the floor as you can without leaning or bending forward & don’t let your front knee go in front of your ankle. drive your back heel towards the floor as you stand back up straightening both legs all the way. repeat other side.

forward traveling inchworms – stand with your feet hip width apart & bring your hands to the floor. walk your hands as far from your feet as possible (do not drop your hips to the floor), then walk your feet as close to your hands as possible while keeping your legs straight. repeat.

square bunny hops – stand with your feet flat on the floor with your hip width apart, toes pointed forward. hop both feet forward, then right, then backward, then left. repeat. then hop both feet forward, then left, then backward, then right. repeat.

30-day challenge – day 22

30-day challenge – day 22

narrow roller coastersfrom feet: start in the downward dog position. keep your hands shoulder width apart. dive your head, then your chest, then your hips to the floor – your elbows should graze your rib cage – arch your back, straighten your arms, & look up to the ceiling. go back to downward dog position. repeat. from knees: start in the child’s pose position. your arms should be straight out in front of you, shoulder width apart. relax your feet (laces down) & keep them on the floor as you dive your head, then your chest, then your hips to the floor – your elbows should graze your rib cage – arch your back, straighten your arms, & look up to the ceiling. go back to the child’s pose position. repeat.

wide air bench reverse press hold w/ active clocks – in an air bench with your feet & knees wider than your hips & your hips & knees at 90 degrees, press your entire back into the wall keeping your weight in your heels. place on arm in the reverse press position (elbow at 90, shoulder height, pressing in the wall with your hand pointing in the same direction as your chest) & do active clocks with the other arm. do all reps in one clock position before switching to the next clock position. switch arm positions & repeat.

push-ups + push-up holdfrom your feet: place your feet hip width apart & your hands a little wider than shoulder width apart. keep your body a plank from your head to your feet & drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. after you complete your reps drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold. if you can’t keep your body a plank or drop low enough so your elbows are at 90 degrees or less, drop to your knees. from your knees: place your knees hip width apart & your hands a little wider than should width apart. keep your body a plank from your head to your knees & drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. after you complete your reps, drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold. if you can’t keep your body a plank or drop low enough so your elbows are at 90 degrees or less, do dog push-ups. dog push-ups: place your knees directly below your hips & your hands directly beneath your shoulders. sway your low back a little. keep your knees & hips at 90 degrees while you drop your chest to the floor, then straighten your arms all the way. your feet will come off the ground as your drop your chest to floor & go back to the ground as you push yourself back up. after you complete your reps, drop down to where your elbows are 90 degrees & hold.

rear foot elevated lunges w/ reverse pullover hold – place your back foot on a chair, bench, table, etc., laces down & take a big step forward. interlace your fingers behind your back, keep your wrists at 90 degrees, & straighten your arms. if you can’t straighten your arms all the way, pull them towards the floor & hold; if you can straighten your arms all the way, lift your hands off your butt & hold (pulling your shoulder blades back & down at the same time). drop your back knee straight down toward the floor keeping your upper body tall & straight. don’t rock forward, bend forward, or let your front knee go in front of your ankle. switch legs & repeat.

donkey kicks – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart in front of your feet. with both feet at the same time, kick up into a hand stand. if you can’t kick both feet at the same time into a handstand, do downward dog push-ups: start on your hands & knees, knees directly beneath your hips & hands directly beneath your shoulders. curl your toes under, straighten your legs, & go up into a downward dog. drop the top of your head toward the floor between your hands, then push yourself back up. if this is still too challenging, place your hands on an elevated surface & bring the top of your head to the surface between your hands.

v ups – on your back with your legs out straight & your arms straight above your head. keeping your legs & arms straight crunch up & touch your fingers to your toes. if that strains your back, crunch up bringing both knees to your chest, arms straight in front of you. straighten out your body & repeat.

tricep bridge hold w/ single leg frog kicks – sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, knees at 90 degrees. place your hands behind you, shoulder width apart, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your back & hold. do frog kicks with one leg: bring your knee toward your chest, then rotate your knee outward as you straighten out your leg. do all reps in this direction, then all reps in the other direction (rotate your knee outward as you bring your knee to your chest, then directly straighten out your leg). repeat on other leg.

inchworm hold – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart, in front of your feet where you can still keep your legs straight. keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far away from your feet as possible & hold.

skate hops (in place) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. hop as far as you can to your right, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your left foot to your right foot without touching it to the floor. then, hop as far as you can to your left, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your right foot your left foot without touching it to the floor. repeat. if hopping is too strenuous, skate walk in place. skate walk – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. step as far as you can to your right, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your left foot to your right foot without touching it to the floor. then, step as far as you can to your left, keeping your toes pointed forward. bring your right foot your left foot without touching it to the floor. repeat.

running in place (hands behind head) – stand with your feet flat on the floor, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head & squeeze your shoulder blades together. hold this position, with your head straight & looking forward, & run in place.

30-day challenge – day 21

30-day challenge – day 21

stork walk w/ hand leg opposites (in place) – stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointed forward. as you drive your left knee toward your chest, keeping your foot relaxed (i.e. toes pointed towards the floor), raise your right arm above your head, keeping your arm straight. alternate sides until rep completion.

lateral traveling bear crawl – start on your hands & knees, hands directly beneath your shoulders, knees directly beneath your hips. lift your knees approx. 3″ off the floor keeping your butt low & you back parallel to the floor. take a few steps to your left, then a few steps to your right. repeat.

rotational shoulder bridges – on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward, squeeze your glutes & lift your hips into the air as high as possible without it going into your back. drop your right hip to the floor & lift it back up, then drop your left hip to the floor & lift it back up. repeat.

hip crunches – on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. interlace your fingers behind your head, creating a bed for your head with your hands, pull your elbows back to the floor, & look behind you. as you crunch – lift your chest up toward the ceiling keeping your chin up & elbows back – lift both feet off the floor approx. 3″. back of your head, elbows, & feet touch the floor between each rep.

traveling crap walk – sit on the floor with your feet flat on the floor in front of you, hip width apart, toes pointed forward, & knees about 90 degrees. place your hands behind you, directly beneath your shoulders, fingers facing your toes. squeeze your glutes & lift your hips off the floor as high as possible without it going into your back. take a few steps forward then a few steps backwards, repeat.

plank knee tuck hole – in push-up position, hands directly beneath your shoulders, feet hip width apart, & body a plank from your head to your toes. drive one knee toward your chest, keeping your butt low, & hold. repeat other leg.

lunge hold w/ active clocks – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. take a good step forward with one leg & drop your back knee as close to the floor as possible while keeping your body tall & your front knee directly above your ankle & hold while you do active clocks – keep your arms straight & lift & lower your hands between 6 & noon on the clock with your thumbs pointing behind you at noon & bring your hands behind your hips at 6. repeat between 6 & 10&2, & then 9&3. repeat complete sequence on other leg.

traveling lateral duck walk – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. squat low keeping your weight in your heels & your chest up & forward. stay low while you take a few steps to your right then a few steps to your left. repeat.

staggered hand rollercoastersfrom your feet: start in the downward dog position with your hands a little wider than your shoulders & one hand staggered about 6″ in front of the other. dive your head down to the floor, followed by your chest, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1 & repeat. repeat switching hand pos. from your knees: start in child’s pose with your hands slightly wider than your shoulders & one hand staggered about 6″ in front of the other. dive your chest to the floor, followed by your hips & arch your back & look up to the ceiling. go back to pos. 1. repeat. repeat switching hand pos.

burpee w/ (3)jumping jacks – stand with your feet flat on the floor, hip width apart, toes pointed forward. place your hands flat on the floor in front of your feet, hop (or step) your feet out to plank position, hop (or step) your feet back to your hands & as you hop in the air, do 3 jumping jacks. repeat. with push-ups – do exactly as above, but add a push-up between hopping your feet out to plank position & hopping them back to your hands.